
Funeral Details for William Henry Walker (Posted 07.07.23)

William Henry Walker will make his last journey afloat ‘Pheonix’ Captained by his good friend Ian Braine on the morning of Friday 21st July at 10am.

Departing from Whaley Bridge Basin, William’s family will celebrate his life and love of the canals with a round trip to Bugsworth Basin.

This was a very special place that was dear to him from his working life with British Waterways.

The Celebration of Life procession will then depart from Wharf Cottage, High Lane at around 1pm.

We would be honoured if all friends and former colleagues would join us in celebrating William’s life at our service at Stockport Crematorium at 1.45pm

Following this, we would love you to join us at High Lane Conservative Club, Buxton Road, High Lane SK6 8DR for refreshments and reminiscences.

Please wear bright and cheerful clothing to reflect William’s extremely colourful outlook on life.

Donations are warmly welcomed and can be made to Bramhall Baptist Church – Activities for Elderly People via: https://jeremyunsworthfunerals.co.uk/

Funeral Details for William Henry Walker (Posted 07.07.23) Read More »

William Henry Walker will make his last journey afloat ‘Pheonix’ Captained by his good friend Ian Braine on the morning of Friday 21st July at 10am.

Departing from Whaley Bridge Basin, William’s family will celebrate his life and love of the canals with a round trip to Bugsworth Basin.

This was a very special place that was dear to him from his working life with British Waterways.

The Celebration of Life procession will then depart from Wharf Cottage, High Lane at around 1pm.

We would be honoured if all friends and former colleagues would join us in celebrating William’s life at our service at Stockport Crematorium at 1.45pm

Following this, we would love you to join us at High Lane Conservative Club, Buxton Road, High Lane SK6 8DR for refreshments and reminiscences.

Please wear bright and cheerful clothing to reflect William’s extremely colourful outlook on life.

Donations are warmly welcomed and can be made to Bramhall Baptist Church – Activities for Elderly People via: https://jeremyunsworthfunerals.co.uk/

UPDATE – Navigation restriction notice: Macclesfield Canal, Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Open (Posted 26.06.23)

Notice Alert

Location: Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, Intersection of: Lock 1 to Lock 12 on Macclesfield Canal and Lock 1 to Lock 16 on Peak Forest CanalMonday 3 April 2023 08:30 until further noticeType: Navigation Restriction, Reason: Water resources

Update on 26/06/2023:

As a result of continuing dry weather, we will need to temporarily close the Peak Forest & Macclesfield Canals for navigation from 10th July until water supplies have recovered. 

The Peak Forest & Macclesfield Canals began the main boating season with much less water than normal following the on-going repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir. The water in Bosley and Sutton Reservoirs has been used carefully and the restricted opening times have been successful in prolonging the supply to maintain navigation. 

Continued hot, dry weather means that holdings are now getting very low, even taking the recent rainfall into account, and so a navigation closure will be put in place along the Marple and Bosley Lock Flights. The remaining reservoir holdings are required to protect the canal infrastructure and meet the Trust’s legal responsibilities to protect the ecology and biodiversity throughout the summer. 

We are currently reinstating a feed from Combs Reservoir, which has been rested this year as a result of the repair works to the feed channel. Trials are due to commence Monday 26 June to convey water along the feeder channel. If these are unsuccessful, we are planning to reinstate pumping to abstract water from Combs into the canal via the River Goyt at Whaley Bridge. If a feed from Combs can be reinstated, then a planned closure will come into effect on Monday 10 July, however if Combs cannot be brought back into use, the closure could take effect sooner. We will of course be confirming details with boaters and local businesses as soon as we possibly can.

We anticipate that these canals will remain closed for several weeks, but this is entirely weather dependent. Whilst the closures will prevent use of the lock flights, cruising between the lock flights will remain available.

Water holdings will be monitored carefully throughout the summer and if there is continued, significant rainfall then it may be possible to reopen to navigation. During the planned closure the Trust is looking into bringing forward essential maintenance along the Marple Flight, which had originally been scheduled for this winter.

To conserve as much water as possible whilst these closures are in place, both lock flights will be padlocked closed and secured against operation and the gates will be ‘”ashed” to reduce leakage.

Customers should note that access on and off the peak forest canal is currently further restricted by recent third-party damage to Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge which restricts any movement on or off the Peak Forest canal beyond this point. Updates on this closure can be found here

The Trust understands what an impact this has on boaters and boating businesses and apologises for the inconvenience and uncertainty that the closure brings.

For the most up to date information on waterways across the North West and surrounding areas that are unaffected along with active water saving restrictions and their locations please follow the link here.

Update on 06/06/2023:

As a result of the current and forecasted dry weather and the continuing repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are implementing some further restrictions to support continued navigation across the Macclesfield & Peak Forest canals this summer.

To help manage and ensure a sustained water supply for as long as possible, we need to further restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 19 June 2023. Our teams of volunteers will be onsite to oversee passage and to help conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 19 June 2023, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Sundays and Thursdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays and Saturdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock. You can see how working together can help us all save water here, and learn how the Trust manages our water here.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

For the most up to date information on waterways across the North West and surrounding areas that are unaffected along with active water saving restrictions and their locations please follow the link here.

Learn more about our current Northern Reservoir situation here.

Up until, and inclusive of, Sunday the 18 June, the times previously advised will be in operation.

Original message:

Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023

Following the on-going repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are starting the upcoming main boating season with much less water than normal.  Unfortunately, this means that there will be limited supply of water to support navigation in the North West this spring and summer.

To make sure that the limited water that is available lasts for as long as possible, we need to restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 3 April 2023.

The Trust is providing additional resources to this area to support our water management activities and will have teams of volunteer lock keepers helping to conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 3 April, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Both Lock Flights will be closed on Fridays to help the summit water levels to recover ahead of the weekend demand.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/my-trust/notices and uncheck the relevant box.

This email was sent to heather@traffordmc.org.uk    unsubscribe from this list

UPDATE – Navigation restriction notice: Macclesfield Canal, Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Open (Posted 26.06.23) Read More »

Notice Alert

Location: Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, Intersection of: Lock 1 to Lock 12 on Macclesfield Canal and Lock 1 to Lock 16 on Peak Forest CanalMonday 3 April 2023 08:30 until further noticeType: Navigation Restriction, Reason: Water resources

Update on 26/06/2023:

As a result of continuing dry weather, we will need to temporarily close the Peak Forest & Macclesfield Canals for navigation from 10th July until water supplies have recovered. 

The Peak Forest & Macclesfield Canals began the main boating season with much less water than normal following the on-going repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir. The water in Bosley and Sutton Reservoirs has been used carefully and the restricted opening times have been successful in prolonging the supply to maintain navigation. 

Continued hot, dry weather means that holdings are now getting very low, even taking the recent rainfall into account, and so a navigation closure will be put in place along the Marple and Bosley Lock Flights. The remaining reservoir holdings are required to protect the canal infrastructure and meet the Trust’s legal responsibilities to protect the ecology and biodiversity throughout the summer. 

We are currently reinstating a feed from Combs Reservoir, which has been rested this year as a result of the repair works to the feed channel. Trials are due to commence Monday 26 June to convey water along the feeder channel. If these are unsuccessful, we are planning to reinstate pumping to abstract water from Combs into the canal via the River Goyt at Whaley Bridge. If a feed from Combs can be reinstated, then a planned closure will come into effect on Monday 10 July, however if Combs cannot be brought back into use, the closure could take effect sooner. We will of course be confirming details with boaters and local businesses as soon as we possibly can.

We anticipate that these canals will remain closed for several weeks, but this is entirely weather dependent. Whilst the closures will prevent use of the lock flights, cruising between the lock flights will remain available.

Water holdings will be monitored carefully throughout the summer and if there is continued, significant rainfall then it may be possible to reopen to navigation. During the planned closure the Trust is looking into bringing forward essential maintenance along the Marple Flight, which had originally been scheduled for this winter.

To conserve as much water as possible whilst these closures are in place, both lock flights will be padlocked closed and secured against operation and the gates will be ‘”ashed” to reduce leakage.

Customers should note that access on and off the peak forest canal is currently further restricted by recent third-party damage to Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge which restricts any movement on or off the Peak Forest canal beyond this point. Updates on this closure can be found here

The Trust understands what an impact this has on boaters and boating businesses and apologises for the inconvenience and uncertainty that the closure brings.

For the most up to date information on waterways across the North West and surrounding areas that are unaffected along with active water saving restrictions and their locations please follow the link here.

Update on 06/06/2023:

As a result of the current and forecasted dry weather and the continuing repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are implementing some further restrictions to support continued navigation across the Macclesfield & Peak Forest canals this summer.

To help manage and ensure a sustained water supply for as long as possible, we need to further restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 19 June 2023. Our teams of volunteers will be onsite to oversee passage and to help conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 19 June 2023, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Sundays and Thursdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays and Saturdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock. You can see how working together can help us all save water here, and learn how the Trust manages our water here.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

For the most up to date information on waterways across the North West and surrounding areas that are unaffected along with active water saving restrictions and their locations please follow the link here.

Learn more about our current Northern Reservoir situation here.

Up until, and inclusive of, Sunday the 18 June, the times previously advised will be in operation.

Original message:

Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023

Following the on-going repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are starting the upcoming main boating season with much less water than normal.  Unfortunately, this means that there will be limited supply of water to support navigation in the North West this spring and summer.

To make sure that the limited water that is available lasts for as long as possible, we need to restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 3 April 2023.

The Trust is providing additional resources to this area to support our water management activities and will have teams of volunteer lock keepers helping to conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 3 April, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Both Lock Flights will be closed on Fridays to help the summit water levels to recover ahead of the weekend demand.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/my-trust/notices and uncheck the relevant box.

This email was sent to heather@traffordmc.org.uk    unsubscribe from this list

Navigation closure notice: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (Posted 21.06.23)

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Navigation Closure: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 21/06/2023:

Navigation remains closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal.

Whilst our contractors have attended site today, further investigation works are required.

We will be meeting with our specialist contractors this week to devise a safe working plan to be able to remove the failed lifting frame that will allow us to inspect further and determine a method of repair.

Is it anticipated that the lifting will take place early next week, and once the structure has been removed, we will have better understanding of the works required and an estimated timeframe.

A further update will be provided by Wednesday 28 June.

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is currently closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal due a fault making the bridge inoperable. 

Our teams have been informed and will attend as soon as they are able to investigate further. 

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here:
https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notice/25450/navigation-closure-bridge-24-wood-end-lift-bridge-peak-forest-canal You can find all notices at the url below:

Navigation closure notice: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (Posted 21.06.23) Read More »

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Navigation Closure: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 21/06/2023:

Navigation remains closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal.

Whilst our contractors have attended site today, further investigation works are required.

We will be meeting with our specialist contractors this week to devise a safe working plan to be able to remove the failed lifting frame that will allow us to inspect further and determine a method of repair.

Is it anticipated that the lifting will take place early next week, and once the structure has been removed, we will have better understanding of the works required and an estimated timeframe.

A further update will be provided by Wednesday 28 June.

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is currently closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal due a fault making the bridge inoperable. 

Our teams have been informed and will attend as soon as they are able to investigate further. 

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here:
https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notice/25450/navigation-closure-bridge-24-wood-end-lift-bridge-peak-forest-canal You can find all notices at the url below:

Towpath closure notice: Bridge 33 Greensdeep Bridge to Bridge 34 – Botholmes Hall Footbridge – Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Closed (Posted 20.06.23)

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Towpath Closure: Between Bridge 33 and Bridge 34, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 33, Greensdeep Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 34, Botholmes Hall Footbridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:30 until further notice

Type: Towpath Closure
Reason: Vegetation

Original message:

Please be advised towpath access is currently closed between Bridge 33, Greensdeep Bridge and Bridge 34, Botholmes Hall Footbridge due to a windblown tree.

Our contractors have been informed and await their attendance.

Whilst canal navigation remains open, we politely request all customers to navigate through the area with care and listen to any advice that may be given by the contractors when onsite.

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here:
https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notice/25452/towpath-closure-between-bridge-33-and-bridge-34-peak-forest-canal You can find all notices at the url below:

Towpath closure notice: Bridge 33 Greensdeep Bridge to Bridge 34 – Botholmes Hall Footbridge – Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Closed (Posted 20.06.23) Read More »

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Towpath Closure: Between Bridge 33 and Bridge 34, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 33, Greensdeep Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 34, Botholmes Hall Footbridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:30 until further notice

Type: Towpath Closure
Reason: Vegetation

Original message:

Please be advised towpath access is currently closed between Bridge 33, Greensdeep Bridge and Bridge 34, Botholmes Hall Footbridge due to a windblown tree.

Our contractors have been informed and await their attendance.

Whilst canal navigation remains open, we politely request all customers to navigate through the area with care and listen to any advice that may be given by the contractors when onsite.

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here:
https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notice/25452/towpath-closure-between-bridge-33-and-bridge-34-peak-forest-canal You can find all notices at the url below:

Navigation closure notice: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge – Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (Posted 20.06.23)

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Navigation Closure: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is currently closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal due a fault making the bridge inoperable. 

Our teams have been informed and will attend as soon as they are able to investigate further. 

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Navigation closure notice: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge – Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (Posted 20.06.23) Read More »

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Navigation Closure: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is currently closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal due a fault making the bridge inoperable. 

Our teams have been informed and will attend as soon as they are able to investigate further. 

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Passing of the NCCC Archivist Bill Walker (Posted 06.06.23)

It is with deep sadness that I write this email to let the membership know of the passing of our Archivist Bill Walker – known to most of you as Willie Walker.

I hope you will join us on Friday to raise a glass to remember our dear friend at the Friday night social.

As soon as I have any further details, I will let you all know.

Rest in Peace Willie – you will be dearly missed.

Passing of the NCCC Archivist Bill Walker (Posted 06.06.23) Read More »

It is with deep sadness that I write this email to let the membership know of the passing of our Archivist Bill Walker – known to most of you as Willie Walker.

I hope you will join us on Friday to raise a glass to remember our dear friend at the Friday night social.

As soon as I have any further details, I will let you all know.

Rest in Peace Willie – you will be dearly missed.

Navigation restriction notice: Macclesfield Canal, Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Open (Posted 06.06.23)

Notice Alert

Location: Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023

Intersection of:

Lock 1 to Lock 12 on Macclesfield Canal


Lock 1 to Lock 16 on Peak Forest Canal

Monday 3 April 2023 08:30 until further notice

Type: Navigation Restriction
Reason: Water resources

Update on 06/06/2023:

As a result of the current and forecasted dry weather and the continuing repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are implementing some further restrictions to support continued navigation across the Macclesfield & Peak Forest canals this summer.

To help manage and ensure a sustained water supply for as long as possible, we need to further restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 19 June 2023. Our teams of volunteers will be onsite to oversee passage and to help conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 19 June 2023, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Sundays and Thursdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays and Saturdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock. You can see how working together can help us all save water here, and learn how the Trust manages our water here.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

For the most up to date information on waterways across the North West and surrounding areas that are unaffected along with active water saving restrictions and their locations please follow the link here.

Learn more about our current Northern Reservoir situation here.

Up until, and inclusive of, Sunday the 18 June, the times previously advised will be in operation.

Navigation restriction notice: Macclesfield Canal, Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Open (Posted 06.06.23) Read More »

Notice Alert

Location: Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023

Intersection of:

Lock 1 to Lock 12 on Macclesfield Canal


Lock 1 to Lock 16 on Peak Forest Canal

Monday 3 April 2023 08:30 until further notice

Type: Navigation Restriction
Reason: Water resources

Update on 06/06/2023:

As a result of the current and forecasted dry weather and the continuing repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are implementing some further restrictions to support continued navigation across the Macclesfield & Peak Forest canals this summer.

To help manage and ensure a sustained water supply for as long as possible, we need to further restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 19 June 2023. Our teams of volunteers will be onsite to oversee passage and to help conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 19 June 2023, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Sundays and Thursdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays and Saturdays

  • Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock. You can see how working together can help us all save water here, and learn how the Trust manages our water here.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

For the most up to date information on waterways across the North West and surrounding areas that are unaffected along with active water saving restrictions and their locations please follow the link here.

Learn more about our current Northern Reservoir situation here.

Up until, and inclusive of, Sunday the 18 June, the times previously advised will be in operation.

Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (Posted 06.06.23)

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Navigation Closure, Lock 1 to Lock 16, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Lock 1
Ends At: Lock 16

Tuesday 6 June 2023 09:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Police Incident

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is closed between Lock 1 and Lock 16 of the Marple Flight on the Peak Forest canal due to a police incident.

Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (Posted 06.06.23) Read More »

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Navigation Closure, Lock 1 to Lock 16, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Lock 1
Ends At: Lock 16

Tuesday 6 June 2023 09:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Police Incident

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is closed between Lock 1 and Lock 16 of the Marple Flight on the Peak Forest canal due to a police incident.

Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023 (Posted 23.05.23)

  • From Date: 03/04/2023 08:30
  • To Date: On-going
  • Type: Navigation Restriction
  • Reason: Water resources
  • Is the towpath closed? N

Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023

Following the on-going repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are starting the upcoming main boating season with much less water than normal.  Unfortunately, this means that there will be limited supply of water to support navigation in the North West this spring and summer. To make sure that the limited water that is available lasts for as long as possible, we need to restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 3 April 2023. The Trust is providing additional resources to this area to support our water management activities and will have teams of volunteer lock keepers helping to conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 3 April, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays – Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays – Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Both Lock Flights will be closed on Fridays to help the summit water levels to recover ahead of the weekend demand.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

Information taken from CRT Website – Tuesday 23 May 2023

Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023 (Posted 23.05.23) Read More »

  • From Date: 03/04/2023 08:30
  • To Date: On-going
  • Type: Navigation Restriction
  • Reason: Water resources
  • Is the towpath closed? N

Lock Flight Operating Times, Macclesfield & Peak Forest Canals, 2023

Following the on-going repair works at Toddbrook Reservoir, we are starting the upcoming main boating season with much less water than normal.  Unfortunately, this means that there will be limited supply of water to support navigation in the North West this spring and summer. To make sure that the limited water that is available lasts for as long as possible, we need to restrict the use of the lock flights from Monday 3 April 2023. The Trust is providing additional resources to this area to support our water management activities and will have teams of volunteer lock keepers helping to conserve as much water as possible.

From Monday 3 April, the following operating times will apply:

Bosley Lock Flight – open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays – Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 1pm, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Marple Lock Flight – open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays – Open from 8:30am to allow passage through the flight. Last boat entry to the flight will be at 12 noon, and all boats must have exited the flight by 4pm.

Both Lock Flights will be closed on Fridays to help the summit water levels to recover ahead of the weekend demand.

We apologise for the inconvenience and disruption this may cause to your boating plans. By implementing these operating times, we hope it will allow boaters to plan your journeys knowing what to expect over the summer months as our teams continue to work hard to conserve water at every opportunity.

You can help us conserve water by ensuring paddles are fully closed once you have passed through a lock.

Our teams will continue to monitor our reservoir holdings throughout the season and where possible, amend the operating times should the situation improve. Please note, these operating times will remain under review and could be subject to change.

Information taken from CRT Website – Tuesday 23 May 2023

Peak Forest Canal – Lock 11 & 12, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal (Posted 07.03.23)

Monday 27 February 2023 08:00 until Tuesday 7 March 2023 17:00Type: Navigation Restriction for 3rd Party Works, contractors will be onsite between Lock 11 and Lock 12 of the Marple Flight on the Peak Forest Canal to carry out installation of piling to offside wash wall. To be able to carry out these works third party contractors will be working from a workboat with some operatives in the water. Whilst the canal and towpath will remain open, please approach with caution, and follow any instructions given by the contractors. Warning signs and banksmen will be used.You can view this notice and its map online here:

Peak Forest Canal – Lock 11 & 12, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal (Posted 07.03.23) Read More »

Monday 27 February 2023 08:00 until Tuesday 7 March 2023 17:00Type: Navigation Restriction for 3rd Party Works, contractors will be onsite between Lock 11 and Lock 12 of the Marple Flight on the Peak Forest Canal to carry out installation of piling to offside wash wall. To be able to carry out these works third party contractors will be working from a workboat with some operatives in the water. Whilst the canal and towpath will remain open, please approach with caution, and follow any instructions given by the contractors. Warning signs and banksmen will be used.You can view this notice and its map online here: