Navigation restriction notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Open

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Navigation Restriction: Royal Oak Swing Bridge, Macclesfield Canal
Starts At: Bridge 49, Royal Oak Swingbridge
Ends At: Bridge 49, Royal Oak Swingbridge

Sunday 13 April 2025 08:00 until Friday 18 April 2025 17:00

Type: Navigation Restriction
Reason: Repair

Original message:

Navigation will be need to be closed at Bridge 49, Royal Oak Swing Bridge, on the Macclesfield Canal to allow the refurbished bridge to be re-installed. This is planned to take place from Sunday 13th April starting at 8:30am with navigation opening under restriction from Monday 14th April. Our specialist contractor will be working on site to recommission the bridge and we anticipate these works to take up until 4pm Thursday 17th April.

During the recommission period, navigation will only be open daily unrestricted from 5pm until 8am and a daily passage at noon will be available from Monday 14th April. We ask all boating customers wishing to pass through the bridge at noon to be ready and waiting. Outside of these times we will not be able to accommodate passages. No booking is required.

The towpath will remain open however please listen to any advice that may be given by the team on site.

We hoped to have had the installation carried with in our usual winter works window however due to the extensive repairs in the workshop this has taken longer than originally planned.  

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused to your boating plans. 

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation restriction notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Open Read More »

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Navigation Restriction: Royal Oak Swing Bridge, Macclesfield Canal
Starts At: Bridge 49, Royal Oak Swingbridge
Ends At: Bridge 49, Royal Oak Swingbridge

Sunday 13 April 2025 08:00 until Friday 18 April 2025 17:00

Type: Navigation Restriction
Reason: Repair

Original message:

Navigation will be need to be closed at Bridge 49, Royal Oak Swing Bridge, on the Macclesfield Canal to allow the refurbished bridge to be re-installed. This is planned to take place from Sunday 13th April starting at 8:30am with navigation opening under restriction from Monday 14th April. Our specialist contractor will be working on site to recommission the bridge and we anticipate these works to take up until 4pm Thursday 17th April.

During the recommission period, navigation will only be open daily unrestricted from 5pm until 8am and a daily passage at noon will be available from Monday 14th April. We ask all boating customers wishing to pass through the bridge at noon to be ready and waiting. Outside of these times we will not be able to accommodate passages. No booking is required.

The towpath will remain open however please listen to any advice that may be given by the team on site.

We hoped to have had the installation carried with in our usual winter works window however due to the extensive repairs in the workshop this has taken longer than originally planned.  

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused to your boating plans. 

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Closure: Lock 1 to lock 16, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal, Starts At: Lock 1, Ends At: Lock 16

Thursday 7 November 2024 12:15 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 21/02/2025:

The works to the lock bywash are progressing well and will be completed by Friday 28th February. Unfortunately, this week we have received a report, that the balance beam at Lock 2 has been damaged, upon an inspection, the balance beam has snapped rendering the lock inoperable. Typically, such repairs can be addressed with metal fabrication. However, this particular repair requires a complete replacement of the balance beam, which we are currently sourcing.  

Due to our teams working on the winter stoppages, we are unable to carry out these repairs immediately. Additionally, the necessary specialist lifting equipment needs to be arranged. Our teams are planning to undertake these repairs in early March, with the canal anticipated to reopen around March 14th.

During this period we are unable to offer passages until the repairs are completed to Lock 2.

A further update will be provided on Thursday 13th March.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Update on 17/01/2025:

Our team will begin emergency repairs to Lock 14 on Monday 17 February, as part of these repairs we need first remove a tree from site to get access into the damaged bywash culvert. After the tree is removed, a temporary bridge will be installed to allow heavy equipment to reach the site. This will enable us to remove the top of the culvert and proceed with repairing and restoring the bywash.

Whilst these repairs are taking place, we will not be able to allow passage through the lock fight, with the final assisted passage will be taking place on 11th February.
The next scheduled dates are:
Tuesday 21st January
Tuesday 28th January
Tuesday 4th February
Tuesday 11th February

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We plan to have the repairs completed by the 28 February. A further update will be provided on 21st February to confirm repair progress and reopening date.

Update on 18/12/2024:

Whilst our engineers continuing exploring a different repair methods our team will continue to manage assisted weekly passages through the Marple Locks after Christmas. The next scheduled dates are:

Tuesday 7th January

Tuesday 14th January.

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We will share an update on the design and repair program on Friday 17 January.

Update on 04/12/2024:

Our teams will continue to provide managed assisted passage through the Marple Locks up until Christmas. The next scheduled dates are: 

Tuesday, 10th December
Tuesday, 17th December

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs. 

Meanwhile, our engineers are exploring different repair methods, and we’ll share an update on the design program on 18th December. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding

Update on 27/11/2024:

Following the successful assisted passage through the Marple Locks which took place yesterday, We’re pleased with the outcome and would like to thank everyone involved.
Our teams are planning another assisted passage on Tuesday, 3rd December at 9am, If you require an urgent passage, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Boaters that have already been added to the list will be contacted to confirm passage. 

Our engineers are progressing with their design phase, and we will provide a further update on 4th December.

 Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Update on 20/11/2024:

Our teams are working this week to carry out temporary repairs, and we’re pleased to share that we plan to assist the first boats through the flight on Tuesday, 26th November. Once this initial trial has been completed, we’ll review the process and look at arranging further passage dates for customers who have already been in touch.

In the meantime, our engineers are progressing with the design phase for the permanent culvert repairs, which remains a priority.

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll provide another update on Wednesday, 27th November.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to reopen navigation.

Update on 14/11/2024:

Our engineer and the design team have been on-site today, focusing on the area around Lock 14. It appears the culvert has suffered significant damage from the tree roots and will need a complete rebuild along a 6 metre length. For now, navigation through Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight will remain closed.We’re working on arranging an assisted passage to help any boats that need to travel through the flight. While we’re still sorting out the logistics, we expect to have a clearer plan early next week and will prioritise assisting customers who have already been in touch.

Our excavation work has revealed that one side of the culvert wall has been completely washed out, and the interior is clogged with tree roots. Given the damage, our design team is now planning the necessary repairs. Since our teams are also managing many planned winter repairs across the network, we’re not able to confirm a start date for these repairs yet, but we hope to have more details next week. 

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll share another update on Wednesday, 20th November.

Update on 11/11/2024:

Following an on-site assessment by our engineers, we have confirmed a failure in the by-wash culvert near Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To understand the extent of the damage, our teams will begin excavation work on-site Wednesday to assess the condition of the culvert and determine the necessary repairs. 

Due to this issue, water levels in the lock pounds are affected, and Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal will remain closed. We are actively exploring options to assist boaters through the flight safely, and as part of our investigation, we will be assessing potential solutions for safe, assisted passage. 

Any boaters needing to travel urgently on the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team on 03030 404040 for assistance.  

We will provide a further update on, Thursday 14th November. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Original message:

Our teams responded today to a report of a large hole today and have discovered damage to a culvert at Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To safely investigate and assess the situation with our engineers, we need to close Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal. This closure will allow us to lower the water levels and take a closer look at the damage. 

We’ll keep you updated and share more information on Monday, 11 November. 

Navigation closure notice: Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open Read More »

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Closure: Lock 1 to lock 16, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal, Starts At: Lock 1, Ends At: Lock 16

Thursday 7 November 2024 12:15 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 21/02/2025:

The works to the lock bywash are progressing well and will be completed by Friday 28th February. Unfortunately, this week we have received a report, that the balance beam at Lock 2 has been damaged, upon an inspection, the balance beam has snapped rendering the lock inoperable. Typically, such repairs can be addressed with metal fabrication. However, this particular repair requires a complete replacement of the balance beam, which we are currently sourcing.  

Due to our teams working on the winter stoppages, we are unable to carry out these repairs immediately. Additionally, the necessary specialist lifting equipment needs to be arranged. Our teams are planning to undertake these repairs in early March, with the canal anticipated to reopen around March 14th.

During this period we are unable to offer passages until the repairs are completed to Lock 2.

A further update will be provided on Thursday 13th March.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Update on 17/01/2025:

Our team will begin emergency repairs to Lock 14 on Monday 17 February, as part of these repairs we need first remove a tree from site to get access into the damaged bywash culvert. After the tree is removed, a temporary bridge will be installed to allow heavy equipment to reach the site. This will enable us to remove the top of the culvert and proceed with repairing and restoring the bywash.

Whilst these repairs are taking place, we will not be able to allow passage through the lock fight, with the final assisted passage will be taking place on 11th February.
The next scheduled dates are:
Tuesday 21st January
Tuesday 28th January
Tuesday 4th February
Tuesday 11th February

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We plan to have the repairs completed by the 28 February. A further update will be provided on 21st February to confirm repair progress and reopening date.

Update on 18/12/2024:

Whilst our engineers continuing exploring a different repair methods our team will continue to manage assisted weekly passages through the Marple Locks after Christmas. The next scheduled dates are:

Tuesday 7th January

Tuesday 14th January.

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We will share an update on the design and repair program on Friday 17 January.

Update on 04/12/2024:

Our teams will continue to provide managed assisted passage through the Marple Locks up until Christmas. The next scheduled dates are: 

Tuesday, 10th December
Tuesday, 17th December

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs. 

Meanwhile, our engineers are exploring different repair methods, and we’ll share an update on the design program on 18th December. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding

Update on 27/11/2024:

Following the successful assisted passage through the Marple Locks which took place yesterday, We’re pleased with the outcome and would like to thank everyone involved.
Our teams are planning another assisted passage on Tuesday, 3rd December at 9am, If you require an urgent passage, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Boaters that have already been added to the list will be contacted to confirm passage. 

Our engineers are progressing with their design phase, and we will provide a further update on 4th December.

 Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Update on 20/11/2024:

Our teams are working this week to carry out temporary repairs, and we’re pleased to share that we plan to assist the first boats through the flight on Tuesday, 26th November. Once this initial trial has been completed, we’ll review the process and look at arranging further passage dates for customers who have already been in touch.

In the meantime, our engineers are progressing with the design phase for the permanent culvert repairs, which remains a priority.

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll provide another update on Wednesday, 27th November.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to reopen navigation.

Update on 14/11/2024:

Our engineer and the design team have been on-site today, focusing on the area around Lock 14. It appears the culvert has suffered significant damage from the tree roots and will need a complete rebuild along a 6 metre length. For now, navigation through Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight will remain closed.We’re working on arranging an assisted passage to help any boats that need to travel through the flight. While we’re still sorting out the logistics, we expect to have a clearer plan early next week and will prioritise assisting customers who have already been in touch.

Our excavation work has revealed that one side of the culvert wall has been completely washed out, and the interior is clogged with tree roots. Given the damage, our design team is now planning the necessary repairs. Since our teams are also managing many planned winter repairs across the network, we’re not able to confirm a start date for these repairs yet, but we hope to have more details next week. 

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll share another update on Wednesday, 20th November.

Update on 11/11/2024:

Following an on-site assessment by our engineers, we have confirmed a failure in the by-wash culvert near Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To understand the extent of the damage, our teams will begin excavation work on-site Wednesday to assess the condition of the culvert and determine the necessary repairs. 

Due to this issue, water levels in the lock pounds are affected, and Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal will remain closed. We are actively exploring options to assist boaters through the flight safely, and as part of our investigation, we will be assessing potential solutions for safe, assisted passage. 

Any boaters needing to travel urgently on the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team on 03030 404040 for assistance.  

We will provide a further update on, Thursday 14th November. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Original message:

Our teams responded today to a report of a large hole today and have discovered damage to a culvert at Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To safely investigate and assess the situation with our engineers, we need to close Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal. This closure will allow us to lower the water levels and take a closer look at the damage. 

We’ll keep you updated and share more information on Monday, 11 November. 

Towpath closure notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Closed (28.01.25)

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Towpath closure; Bridge 20 to 21, Macclesfield Canal
Starts At: Bridge 20, Ryles Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 21, Hibberts Brow Bridge

Monday 27 January 2025 12:00 until further notice

Type: Towpath Closure
Reason: Structure failure

Original message:

Please be advised the towpath is closed between Bridges 20 and 21 on the Macclesfield Canal due to a hole on the towpath.

Our local team will attend site to carry out further investigations and plan a method of repair.  

Whilst the canal will be kept open to navigation, we politely request all customers to approach the area with caution.

An update will be provided Thursday 30 January.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Towpath closure notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Closed (28.01.25) Read More »

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Towpath closure; Bridge 20 to 21, Macclesfield Canal
Starts At: Bridge 20, Ryles Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 21, Hibberts Brow Bridge

Monday 27 January 2025 12:00 until further notice

Type: Towpath Closure
Reason: Structure failure

Original message:

Please be advised the towpath is closed between Bridges 20 and 21 on the Macclesfield Canal due to a hole on the towpath.

Our local team will attend site to carry out further investigations and plan a method of repair.  

Whilst the canal will be kept open to navigation, we politely request all customers to approach the area with caution.

An update will be provided Thursday 30 January.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (27.01.25)

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Sluice 10, Near Higherfold Bridge 33, Higher Hurdsfield
Starts At: Bridge 30, Woods Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 33, Higherfold Bridge
Up Stream Winding Hole: Middlewood
Down Stream Winding Hole: Hurstfield

Wednesday 29 January 2025 08:00 until Friday 7 February 2025 16:00

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 27/01/2025:

Unfortunately, the works planned at sluice 10, between bridge 30 Woods Bridge and bridge 33, Higherfold Bridge have been delayed.

The contractor’s plant/equipment has been delayed in getting to site. The new closure date is the 29 January 2025, the end date remains the same, 07 February 2025.

Original message:

A stoppage is required due to localised dewatering of the canal to facilitate an underwater Inspection, desilting and refurbishment of the operational sluice.

A fabric dam will be placed around the sluice so water can still pass. Unfortunately boats can not pass due to the fragility of the dam.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open (27.01.25) Read More »

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Sluice 10, Near Higherfold Bridge 33, Higher Hurdsfield
Starts At: Bridge 30, Woods Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 33, Higherfold Bridge
Up Stream Winding Hole: Middlewood
Down Stream Winding Hole: Hurstfield

Wednesday 29 January 2025 08:00 until Friday 7 February 2025 16:00

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 27/01/2025:

Unfortunately, the works planned at sluice 10, between bridge 30 Woods Bridge and bridge 33, Higherfold Bridge have been delayed.

The contractor’s plant/equipment has been delayed in getting to site. The new closure date is the 29 January 2025, the end date remains the same, 07 February 2025.

Original message:

A stoppage is required due to localised dewatering of the canal to facilitate an underwater Inspection, desilting and refurbishment of the operational sluice.

A fabric dam will be placed around the sluice so water can still pass. Unfortunately boats can not pass due to the fragility of the dam.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Sluice 8, Bollington near Clarence Mill Footbridge 26A
Starts At: Bridge 26, Sugar Lane Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 27, Kerridge Road Bridge
Up Stream Winding Hole: Middlewood
Down Stream Winding Hole: Hurstfield

Monday 20 January 2025 08:00 until Monday 20 January 2025 16:00

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Maintenance

Update on 20/01/2025:

The original plan for this closure was to install a portadam within the canal to undertake the works.

Our Contractor has confirmed that the works can be completed without the need for a Portadam so a navigational closure is no longer required at this sluice.

Original message:

A stoppage is required due to localised dewatering of the canal to facilitate an underwater Inspection, desilting and refurbishment of the operational sluice.

A fabric dam will be placed around the sluice so water can still pass. Unfortunately boats can not pass due to the fragility of the dam.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Macclesfield Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open Read More »

Notice Alert

Macclesfield Canal
Location: Sluice 8, Bollington near Clarence Mill Footbridge 26A
Starts At: Bridge 26, Sugar Lane Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 27, Kerridge Road Bridge
Up Stream Winding Hole: Middlewood
Down Stream Winding Hole: Hurstfield

Monday 20 January 2025 08:00 until Monday 20 January 2025 16:00

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Maintenance

Update on 20/01/2025:

The original plan for this closure was to install a portadam within the canal to undertake the works.

Our Contractor has confirmed that the works can be completed without the need for a Portadam so a navigational closure is no longer required at this sluice.

Original message:

A stoppage is required due to localised dewatering of the canal to facilitate an underwater Inspection, desilting and refurbishment of the operational sluice.

A fabric dam will be placed around the sluice so water can still pass. Unfortunately boats can not pass due to the fragility of the dam.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Closure: Lock 1 to lock 16, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Lock 1
Ends At: Lock 16

Thursday 7 November 2024 12:15 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 17/01/2025:

Our team will begin emergency repairs to Lock 14 on Monday 17 February, as part of these repairs we need first remove a tree from site to get access into the damaged bywash culvert. After the tree is removed, a temporary bridge will be installed to allow heavy equipment to reach the site. This will enable us to remove the top of the culvert and proceed with repairing and restoring the bywash.

Whilst these repairs are taking place, we will not be able to allow passage through the lock fight, with the final assisted passage will be taking place on 11th February.
The next scheduled dates are:
Tuesday 21st January
Tuesday 28th January
Tuesday 4th February
Tuesday 11th February

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We plan to have the repairs completed by the 28 February. A further update will be provided on 21st February to confirm repair progress and reopening date.

Update on 18/12/2024:

Whilst our engineers continuing exploring a different repair methods our team will continue to manage assisted weekly passages through the Marple Locks after Christmas. The next scheduled dates are:

Tuesday 7th January

Tuesday 14th January.

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We will share an update on the design and repair program on Friday 17 January.

Update on 04/12/2024:

Our teams will continue to provide managed assisted passage through the Marple Locks up until Christmas. The next scheduled dates are: 

Tuesday, 10th December
Tuesday, 17th December

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs. 

Meanwhile, our engineers are exploring different repair methods, and we’ll share an update on the design program on 18th December. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding

Update on 27/11/2024:

Following the successful assisted passage through the Marple Locks which took place yesterday, We’re pleased with the outcome and would like to thank everyone involved.
Our teams are planning another assisted passage on Tuesday, 3rd December at 9am, If you require an urgent passage, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Boaters that have already been added to the list will be contacted to confirm passage. 

Our engineers are progressing with their design phase, and we will provide a further update on 4th December.

 Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Update on 20/11/2024:

Our teams are working this week to carry out temporary repairs, and we’re pleased to share that we plan to assist the first boats through the flight on Tuesday, 26th November. Once this initial trial has been completed, we’ll review the process and look at arranging further passage dates for customers who have already been in touch.

In the meantime, our engineers are progressing with the design phase for the permanent culvert repairs, which remains a priority.

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll provide another update on Wednesday, 27th November.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to reopen navigation.

Update on 14/11/2024:

Our engineer and the design team have been on-site today, focusing on the area around Lock 14. It appears the culvert has suffered significant damage from the tree roots and will need a complete rebuild along a 6 metre length. For now, navigation through Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight will remain closed.We’re working on arranging an assisted passage to help any boats that need to travel through the flight. While we’re still sorting out the logistics, we expect to have a clearer plan early next week and will prioritise assisting customers who have already been in touch.

Our excavation work has revealed that one side of the culvert wall has been completely washed out, and the interior is clogged with tree roots. Given the damage, our design team is now planning the necessary repairs. Since our teams are also managing many planned winter repairs across the network, we’re not able to confirm a start date for these repairs yet, but we hope to have more details next week. 

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll share another update on Wednesday, 20th November.

Update on 11/11/2024:

Following an on-site assessment by our engineers, we have confirmed a failure in the by-wash culvert near Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To understand the extent of the damage, our teams will begin excavation work on-site Wednesday to assess the condition of the culvert and determine the necessary repairs. 

Due to this issue, water levels in the lock pounds are affected, and Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal will remain closed. We are actively exploring options to assist boaters through the flight safely, and as part of our investigation, we will be assessing potential solutions for safe, assisted passage. 

Any boaters needing to travel urgently on the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team on 03030 404040 for assistance.  

We will provide a further update on, Thursday 14th November. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Original message:

Our teams responded today to a report of a large hole today and have discovered damage to a culvert at Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To safely investigate and assess the situation with our engineers, we need to close Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal. This closure will allow us to lower the water levels and take a closer look at the damage. 

We’ll keep you updated and share more information on Monday, 11 November. 

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Please do not reply to the email. It has been automatically generated.

To unsubscribe from this service please go to: and uncheck the relevant box.

Navigation closure notice: Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open Read More »

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Closure: Lock 1 to lock 16, Marple Flight, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Lock 1
Ends At: Lock 16

Thursday 7 November 2024 12:15 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair

Update on 17/01/2025:

Our team will begin emergency repairs to Lock 14 on Monday 17 February, as part of these repairs we need first remove a tree from site to get access into the damaged bywash culvert. After the tree is removed, a temporary bridge will be installed to allow heavy equipment to reach the site. This will enable us to remove the top of the culvert and proceed with repairing and restoring the bywash.

Whilst these repairs are taking place, we will not be able to allow passage through the lock fight, with the final assisted passage will be taking place on 11th February.
The next scheduled dates are:
Tuesday 21st January
Tuesday 28th January
Tuesday 4th February
Tuesday 11th February

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We plan to have the repairs completed by the 28 February. A further update will be provided on 21st February to confirm repair progress and reopening date.

Update on 18/12/2024:

Whilst our engineers continuing exploring a different repair methods our team will continue to manage assisted weekly passages through the Marple Locks after Christmas. The next scheduled dates are:

Tuesday 7th January

Tuesday 14th January.

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs.

We will share an update on the design and repair program on Friday 17 January.

Update on 04/12/2024:

Our teams will continue to provide managed assisted passage through the Marple Locks up until Christmas. The next scheduled dates are: 

Tuesday, 10th December
Tuesday, 17th December

If you wish to book on one of these passages, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Please note that booking is required as there is a limit to the number of boats we can safely assist through the locks while we await repairs. 

Meanwhile, our engineers are exploring different repair methods, and we’ll share an update on the design program on 18th December. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding

Update on 27/11/2024:

Following the successful assisted passage through the Marple Locks which took place yesterday, We’re pleased with the outcome and would like to thank everyone involved.
Our teams are planning another assisted passage on Tuesday, 3rd December at 9am, If you require an urgent passage, please call our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. Boaters that have already been added to the list will be contacted to confirm passage. 

Our engineers are progressing with their design phase, and we will provide a further update on 4th December.

 Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Update on 20/11/2024:

Our teams are working this week to carry out temporary repairs, and we’re pleased to share that we plan to assist the first boats through the flight on Tuesday, 26th November. Once this initial trial has been completed, we’ll review the process and look at arranging further passage dates for customers who have already been in touch.

In the meantime, our engineers are progressing with the design phase for the permanent culvert repairs, which remains a priority.

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll provide another update on Wednesday, 27th November.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to reopen navigation.

Update on 14/11/2024:

Our engineer and the design team have been on-site today, focusing on the area around Lock 14. It appears the culvert has suffered significant damage from the tree roots and will need a complete rebuild along a 6 metre length. For now, navigation through Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight will remain closed.We’re working on arranging an assisted passage to help any boats that need to travel through the flight. While we’re still sorting out the logistics, we expect to have a clearer plan early next week and will prioritise assisting customers who have already been in touch.

Our excavation work has revealed that one side of the culvert wall has been completely washed out, and the interior is clogged with tree roots. Given the damage, our design team is now planning the necessary repairs. Since our teams are also managing many planned winter repairs across the network, we’re not able to confirm a start date for these repairs yet, but we hope to have more details next week. 

If you’re in urgent need to pass through the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team at 0303 0404 040. We’ll share another update on Wednesday, 20th November.

Update on 11/11/2024:

Following an on-site assessment by our engineers, we have confirmed a failure in the by-wash culvert near Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To understand the extent of the damage, our teams will begin excavation work on-site Wednesday to assess the condition of the culvert and determine the necessary repairs. 

Due to this issue, water levels in the lock pounds are affected, and Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal will remain closed. We are actively exploring options to assist boaters through the flight safely, and as part of our investigation, we will be assessing potential solutions for safe, assisted passage. 

Any boaters needing to travel urgently on the Marple Flight, please contact our North West Customer Service team on 03030 404040 for assistance.  

We will provide a further update on, Thursday 14th November. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Original message:

Our teams responded today to a report of a large hole today and have discovered damage to a culvert at Lock 14 on the Marple Flight. To safely investigate and assess the situation with our engineers, we need to close Locks 1 to 16 on the Marple Flight along the Peak Forest Canal. This closure will allow us to lower the water levels and take a closer look at the damage. 

We’ll keep you updated and share more information on Monday, 11 November. 

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

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Navigation closure notice: Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Wood End Lift Bridge, Strines, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge

Wednesday 15 January 2025 08:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Structure failure

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is currently closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal due to a fault with the Bridge motor.

Our specialist contractors have been informed and we are hoping they will be in attendance late this afternoon.

An update will be provided tomorrow, Thursday 16 January.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Navigation closure notice: Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Closed, Towpath: Open Read More »

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Wood End Lift Bridge, Strines, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge

Wednesday 15 January 2025 08:00 until further notice

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Structure failure

Original message:

Please be advised navigation is currently closed at Bridge 24, Wood End Lift Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal due to a fault with the Bridge motor.

Our specialist contractors have been informed and we are hoping they will be in attendance late this afternoon.

An update will be provided tomorrow, Thursday 16 January.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Braidbar Boats Open Day Saturday August 31

How many times have you travelled down to Macclesfield Canal to Poynton, and as you pass, cricked your neck looking at the shells, and painted boats in the Braidbar Boat yard.

Well nows you chance to have a look. Braidbar boats are hosting an open day on Saturday August 31st from 10am to 4pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Braidbar Boats Open Day Saturday August 31 Read More »

How many times have you travelled down to Macclesfield Canal to Poynton, and as you pass, cricked your neck looking at the shells, and painted boats in the Braidbar Boat yard.

Well nows you chance to have a look. Braidbar boats are hosting an open day on Saturday August 31st from 10am to 4pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW) to provide members the opportunity to quiz Navigation Authorities

FBW was launched at the end of June 2023 in response to the inadequate funding and deteriorating state of Britain’s network of canals and navigable rivers. Despite the widespread appreciation of the value of this unique and well-loved national asset and the benefits it delivers, the Government appears intent on significantly reducing its funding. Through FBW more than 110 organisations are campaigning together for national and local government to act now and protect the public benefit and natural capital of our waterways.

FBW’s activities to date have focused on raising awareness of the challenges facing our canals and rivers and the message that increased and sustainable funding is needed. Three well-reported Campaign Cruises were held in 2023, in Birmingham, Gloucester and past the Palace of Westminster on the Thames. In 2024 there will be a weekend of action over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend (4 to 6 May 2024). This will comprise a series of events across the country on waterways managed by different inland navigation authorities, in addition to IWA’s annual Canalway Cavalcade at Little Venice in London. It will culminate in a second Campaign Cruise past the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 8 May, when Parliamentarians will be invited to view the event and express their support for the continued maintenance of the waterways.

At the same time as campaigning for increased funding for navigation authorities, FBW recognises the importance of those navigation authorities being able to explain how they are making the best possible use of funds for the waterways. FBW will therefore be holding sessions with major navigation authorities, starting with the Canal & River Trust on Wednesday 10 April 2024.

The sessions will be chaired by FBW and live streamed to FBW members, with a recording and written notes of the meeting to be made publicly available at a later date. FBW members are invited to submit detailed written questions, which will be collated and submitted to each navigation authority two weeks in advance of its meeting. FBW will then ask the questions in the meeting and the navigation authority will provide detailed answers, both in person in the meeting and also in writing.

Les Etheridge, Chair of FBW said “By arranging these sessions we are enabling FBW members to ask questions on any area including those where reservations are publicly expressed.  These will be positive and constructive sessions which we hope will benefit both the navigation authority and FBW”   

About Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW): FBW brings together a wide range of organisations with the sole purpose of campaigning collectively for an increase in government funding of Britain’s inland waterways to avert their decline, and to promote awareness of the huge economic, environmental and social well-being value they provide. Established in June 2023, it already has over 110 members representing hundreds of thousands of users and supporters of inland waterways.


For further information about Fund Britain’s Waterways, or to submit a question for the Canal & River Trust session (by 13 March 2024), contact

Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW) to provide members the opportunity to quiz Navigation Authorities Read More »

FBW was launched at the end of June 2023 in response to the inadequate funding and deteriorating state of Britain’s network of canals and navigable rivers. Despite the widespread appreciation of the value of this unique and well-loved national asset and the benefits it delivers, the Government appears intent on significantly reducing its funding. Through FBW more than 110 organisations are campaigning together for national and local government to act now and protect the public benefit and natural capital of our waterways.

FBW’s activities to date have focused on raising awareness of the challenges facing our canals and rivers and the message that increased and sustainable funding is needed. Three well-reported Campaign Cruises were held in 2023, in Birmingham, Gloucester and past the Palace of Westminster on the Thames. In 2024 there will be a weekend of action over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend (4 to 6 May 2024). This will comprise a series of events across the country on waterways managed by different inland navigation authorities, in addition to IWA’s annual Canalway Cavalcade at Little Venice in London. It will culminate in a second Campaign Cruise past the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 8 May, when Parliamentarians will be invited to view the event and express their support for the continued maintenance of the waterways.

At the same time as campaigning for increased funding for navigation authorities, FBW recognises the importance of those navigation authorities being able to explain how they are making the best possible use of funds for the waterways. FBW will therefore be holding sessions with major navigation authorities, starting with the Canal & River Trust on Wednesday 10 April 2024.

The sessions will be chaired by FBW and live streamed to FBW members, with a recording and written notes of the meeting to be made publicly available at a later date. FBW members are invited to submit detailed written questions, which will be collated and submitted to each navigation authority two weeks in advance of its meeting. FBW will then ask the questions in the meeting and the navigation authority will provide detailed answers, both in person in the meeting and also in writing.

Les Etheridge, Chair of FBW said “By arranging these sessions we are enabling FBW members to ask questions on any area including those where reservations are publicly expressed.  These will be positive and constructive sessions which we hope will benefit both the navigation authority and FBW”   

About Fund Britain’s Waterways (FBW): FBW brings together a wide range of organisations with the sole purpose of campaigning collectively for an increase in government funding of Britain’s inland waterways to avert their decline, and to promote awareness of the huge economic, environmental and social well-being value they provide. Established in June 2023, it already has over 110 members representing hundreds of thousands of users and supporters of inland waterways.


For further information about Fund Britain’s Waterways, or to submit a question for the Canal & River Trust session (by 13 March 2024), contact

Funeral Details For Mr Mac

Malcolm has kindly sent some more details over for the funeral of Mr Mac.  If you are attending the funeral and wake, can you please let me know so that I can keep Malcolm informed.  Please see the details at the bottom of this email.

As you may already have seen, depending on which earlier emails you have received, John Foley has drawn attention to the fact that parking in the streets near St. Matthews is very difficult as staff from North Manchester General Hospital now park there because the hospital has started charging for onsite parking. He therefore suggests that anyone who can should come by Metrolink. St. Matthews is about a 10 minute walk from Crumpsall Metro; the Irish Heritage Centre is even closer to Queens Road. If anyone wants help with travelling please let me know and I will try to help.

Jane has asked for numbers for the wake by 6th February. Please would you let me have them by 5th so that I can save her the job of tallying lots of individual replies. The three who have already booked dossing space at No 89 and the two who have told me they can’t come are excused from replying.

Family flowers only. Details of charity donations to follow.



David Arthur McCarthy MBE – 26/2/1924 – 17/1/2024

Funeral arrangements Service of Thanksgiving  Tuesday 13th February 2024 1.30pm

Service at St. Matthew with St. Mary, Cleveland Road, Crumpsall, Manchester M8 4QU  (Metrolink Bury Line Zone 2)

Committal at Blackley Crem – Family Only – 3pm Blackley Cemetery and Crematorium · Victoria Avenue, Blackley, M9 8JP

Wake and chance to meet with friends and loved ones to share tales and laughter, maybe some tears

Irish World Heritage Centre 1 Irish Town Way Cheetham Hill Manchester M8 0AE (Metrolink Bury Line Zone 2)

The family thank you for coming and invite you to join them after the service for refreshments at the Irish World Heritage Centre

Funeral Details For Mr Mac Read More »

Malcolm has kindly sent some more details over for the funeral of Mr Mac.  If you are attending the funeral and wake, can you please let me know so that I can keep Malcolm informed.  Please see the details at the bottom of this email.

As you may already have seen, depending on which earlier emails you have received, John Foley has drawn attention to the fact that parking in the streets near St. Matthews is very difficult as staff from North Manchester General Hospital now park there because the hospital has started charging for onsite parking. He therefore suggests that anyone who can should come by Metrolink. St. Matthews is about a 10 minute walk from Crumpsall Metro; the Irish Heritage Centre is even closer to Queens Road. If anyone wants help with travelling please let me know and I will try to help.

Jane has asked for numbers for the wake by 6th February. Please would you let me have them by 5th so that I can save her the job of tallying lots of individual replies. The three who have already booked dossing space at No 89 and the two who have told me they can’t come are excused from replying.

Family flowers only. Details of charity donations to follow.



David Arthur McCarthy MBE – 26/2/1924 – 17/1/2024

Funeral arrangements Service of Thanksgiving  Tuesday 13th February 2024 1.30pm

Service at St. Matthew with St. Mary, Cleveland Road, Crumpsall, Manchester M8 4QU  (Metrolink Bury Line Zone 2)

Committal at Blackley Crem – Family Only – 3pm Blackley Cemetery and Crematorium · Victoria Avenue, Blackley, M9 8JP

Wake and chance to meet with friends and loved ones to share tales and laughter, maybe some tears

Irish World Heritage Centre 1 Irish Town Way Cheetham Hill Manchester M8 0AE (Metrolink Bury Line Zone 2)

The family thank you for coming and invite you to join them after the service for refreshments at the Irish World Heritage Centre