If you are interested in a mooring at North Cheshire Cruising Club, please contact our Moorings Officer Dave Hood. Email moorings@nccc.org.uk.
Mooring rates from 1 October 2024 are £2.60 per ft / per month for members of the club. Moorings in the arm are subject to North Cheshire Cruising Club’s terms and conditions which are available on request.
Important : You must be a member of North Cheshire Cruising Clubs before you can apply for a mooring. Mooring are allocated from a waiting list, the length of wait is dependant on boat length and availability, and serve a 1 year probationary period. Moorings are non-residential. For membership please contact Pam Russell email membership@nccc.org.uk
Details required are:
- Type of boat – Narrowboat or Cruiser
- Length of boat in feet
- Name of boat
- A copy of your fully comprehensive insurance
- Your C&RT number
- Your name and contact details
Moorings at North Cheshire Cruising Club