Members 80th Anniversary Celebration Itinerary – Saturday 9 September 2023
12.30pm to 12.45pm – Members to arrive to start celebration. Please note a raffle ticket will be issued to every member to be exchanged for your afternoon tea.
1.00pm – Congregate in front of the flag pole outside the front entrance for the unveiling of plaque. This will be done by Chris Potter who will give a short speech. Following this we will be thanking Ian Spooner for the time taken for doing the inscription.
1.00pm – Running concurrent with this will be the unveiling of the tram line dedicated to Willie Walker upstairs by the dignitaries with media coverage. (Dignitaries and media should vacate the room by 1.15pm)
1.20pm – Members to make their way upstairs into the club room ready for the afternoon teas with musical accompaniment.
2.30pm – Dignitaries and media will return and along with members afternoon teas will be served with musical accompaniment.
3.15pm – Band will take a fifteen-minute break, during which time Stoke Boat Club will be making a presentation to the NCCC. The NCCC will then be making a toast to our 80th anniversary.
3.30pm – Musical accompaniment with continue for a further 45 minutes
4.00pm – The club bar will be opening
4.15pm – The band will finish their session and vacate the premises.
This will conclude the celebrations and everyone will be welcome to stay, and purchase drinks from the bar from then on.